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Czech Deputy Prime Minister for Science, Research and Innovation Mr. Pavel Bělobrádek visited Israel from March 1 to March 3.

He met with Israeli Minister for Science, Technology and Space Mr. Ofir Akunis, and Minister for Economy and Industry Mr. Eli Cohen. Mr. Bělobrádek also laid a wreath at the grave of late Israeli president Shimon Peres in a presence of his son Nehemiel. The Czech delegation visited the prestigious Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, one of the top 10 research institutions in the world. At the Weizmann Institute of Science, Mr. Bělobrádek signed with its President Prof. Zajfman a Declaration of Mutual Cooperation.

Deputy Prime Minister Bělobrádek was accompanied by distinguished representatives of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Technology Agency, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and Rectors of several Czech universities. During the official visit to Israel, Prof. Zdeněk Kůs, Rector of the Technical University of Liberec signed a join MoU with Prof. Rivka Carmi, President of the Ben Gurion University in the Negev, and Alon Barnea, CEO of Afeka Academic College of Engineering.


Návštěva mstpř. vlády P. Bělobrádka, 1.-3.3.2017