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Czech Ambassador awarded on 11 June 2015 Moshe Tirosh, Czechoslovak veteran from the 2nd World War

Moshe Tirosh is one of the Czechoslovak veterans from the 2nd World War who were awarded by the Minister of Defense of the Czech Republic with Memorial Medal on 70th Anniversary of the End of the 2nd World War. Because he could not take part on the official celebration at the Czech Embassy on 14 May 2014, he met now together with his wife and sons the Czech Ambassador Ivo Schwarz to accept this award.

Moshe Tirosh was born on 22 February 1928 in Behynka in the Nitra region as Miroslav Vinický.  After the occupation he went into exile and on 10 February 1942 joined in the USSR the Czechoslovak army. On the Eastern Front he went through all fights till the liberation of Czechoslovakia. After the war he studied aeronautical engineering in Liberec. In 1948 he joined as volunteer Haganah and went to Israel, where he took part in the Independece War.  


Moshe Tirosh