Children from Israel were awarded for their participation at the International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice 2017
01.11.2017 / 14:23 | Aktualizováno: 01.11.2017 / 14:26
The International Children’s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice (was established in 1967 to commemorate the child victims from the Czech village of Lidice murdered by German Nazis, as well as all other children who have died in wars.
Although national initially, this exhibition became an international one in 1973 and since then it has become well known among children and teachers in all over the world. In 2017 out of the total of 25 690 entries from 83 coutries 1 289 have been awarded prizes including 248 medals for 76 coutries and 434 organizations. You can visit the current main exhibition at the Lidice Gallery from 1 June till 30 November 2017.
Israeli children are regular participants in the competition and we are very pleased that this year five of them are among the winners. Cultural, Press and Education Attaché Arthur Polzer awarded on 1 November 2017 Karam Abedellhadi (4, Honourable Mention) from Kindergarten Al-Baraem in Iksal Village, Sham Habashi (5, Honourable Mention) from Kindergarten Al-Hikma in Iksal Village, Suhaib Habashi (5, Honourable Mention) from Kindergarten Al-Ikhlas in Iksal Village, Omri Shalabi (4, Honourable Mention) from Kindergarten Al-Ikhlas in Iksal Village and David Tsypris (14, Honourable Mention) from Studio of Art-Ruta Kreitser in Jerusalem.