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Annual commemoration ceremony in the Jerusalem Mountains

On May 26, 2016 the traditional commemoration ceremony in memory to the Czechoslovak victims of the Holocaust was held in the Jerusalem Mountains. The event is organized by the association Hitachduth Yotsei Czechoslovakia together with Embassies of the Czechia and Slovakia.

The main speakers were Nathan Steiner, chairman of Hitachduth Yotsei Czechoslovakia, Ivo Schwarz, Czech Ambassador, Peter Hulényi, Tomáš Grulich, Chairman of the Standing Commission on Compatriots Living Abroad of Czech Senate, Jan Munk, Director of Terezín Memorial, Rabbi Sinai Adler, Yoel Sher, former Israeli Ambassador in Prague, and  Egon Gál, chairman of the  Jewish Community in Bratislava.


Tryzna v Jeruzalémských horách, 26. 5. 2016