Ambassador Ivo Schwarz visited on 10 March 2015 MFO in Sinai
12.03.2015 / 10:41 | Aktualizováno: 12.03.2015 / 10:53
Following the signing of the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty on 26 March 1979 Egypt, Israel and the United States initiated 1981 a mission Multinational Force and Observes (MFO) to provide the peacekeeping forces for the Sinai Peninsula. Since 2009 also members of Czech Army are part of the MFO operation.
The Czech ambassador in the State of Israel Ivo Schwarz made on 10 March 2015 a visit to the MFO Headquarter, where he took part in the meeting of Ambassadors and Defense Attaches of MFO troop and funds contributing states. He visited also the Czech soldiers to discuss questions concerning their mission on Sinai.