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Ambassador Ivo Schwarz visited IDC Herzliya

On February 11, Ambassador Ivo Schwarz visited the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya together with Czech Scientific Attaché Delana Mikolášová. Czech delegation received a warm welcome by Prof. Mario Mikulincer, Provost of the IDC. Ambassador Schwarz discussed possibilities of further cooperation under „Masaryk Distinguished Chair“ programme with Prof. Boaz Ganor, Dean of Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy, and Dr. Amichai Magen, expert on EU-Israel relations.



Velvyslanec Schwarz se krátce setkal také s českou studentkou Kristýnou Pavlíčkovou, která na IDC Herzliya tráví semestr v rámci výměnného programu  Masarykovy Univerzity v Brně.