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Central Bohemian Region participated in Cities Summit

Delegation of the Central Bohemian Region has undertaken a work visit to Israel focusing on innovation.

On September 3-9th, a delegation composed of representatives of the Central Bohemian Innovation Center (SIC) and other representatives of the Central Bohemian Region, including the Mayors of Milovice, Mělník and Smečno visited Israel. The delegation was led by Mr. Věslav Michalik, Councilor of the Central Bohemian Region and Mayor of Dolní Břežany and Mrs. Rut Bízková, Director of SIC. The main objective of this working visit was in particular the exchange of information and experience on Smart Cities and the participation in the annual innovation festival DLD and Tel Aviv Cities Summit 2017.

The delegation also met with the Mayor of Raanana Mr. Zeev Bielski and the director of the Jerusalem Development Authority Mr. Shay Fleishon. In Tel Aviv, the delegation visited the newly opened HaRatsiv innovation center, which is built in the southern poor part of the city and whose main mission is to raise the living standards of this neighborhood with the help of modern technologies. Another meeting with representatives of MassChallenge, a nonprofit