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Planting Trees of Friendship

To celebrate Arbor Day the Mayor of Tehran Dr. Pirouz Hanachi organized the planting of trees of peace and friendship for the diplomatic corps. The gathering which commemorated also the International Women’s Day was attended by the Czech Ambassador Mr. Josef Rychtar, who personally planted commemorative olive tree.

Arbor Day or in Iran also called National Tree Planting Day celebrated on Esfand 15 (usually March 5) is a yearly remainder of the protection of nature which also symbolically precedes the celebration of the Iranian New Year – celebration of spring. Teheran City has chosen for this year’s planting location near the Iranian National Library on the southern side of the artificial Honar (Art) Lake, which had been finished in 2019 as a part of a modern cultural and recreational zone.


Zasazení stromu přátelství 2021