Czech Criminal Record
Here you can find the information on how foreign nationals can obtain the excerpt from the Czech Criminal Record.
Czech nationals are kindly advised to follow the instruction available in Czech language, click here
The Criminal Record issued by the Crime Record Office of the Czech Republic may be obtained through the Sydney Consulate.
If you don't apply in person at the Consulate, but mail your application instead, following regulations apply:
Kindly use this form (print it out first) and fill it out, then mail to our Consulate. Please fill only the following items, translation is provided for your convenience:
- Jméno nebo jména – Given Name or Names
- Původní (rodné) příjmení - Surname at Birth
- Nynější příjmení - Present Surname
- Den, měsíc a rok narození - Date of Birth (day, month, year)
- Místo a okres narození - Place and District of Birth
- Stát narození – Country of birth
- Rodné číslo - Czech birth number (only if applicable)
- Pohlaví (vyznačte x) – Sex (mark x) Muž/Male or Žena/Female
- Státní občanství - uveďte jen 1 stát – Nationality – state 1 country only
- Jméno a příjmení otce - Name and Surname of Father
- Jméno a příjmení matky - Name and Surname of Mother
- Rodné příjmení matky - Mother´s Maiden Surname
- Dále žádám, aby výpis z evidence Rejstříku trestů ČR byl vydán s přílohou, která bude obsahovat informace z evidence rejstříku trestů členského státu Evropské unie, ve kterém jsem měl nebo mám bydliště nebo jsem byl sátním příslušníkem uvedeného státu - I further ask the excerpt from the Criminal Record of the Czech Republic to be issued with the supplement containing information from the Criminal Record of the European Union member country of my former or present residence or of my former nationality.
- Uveďte jen 1 stát Evropské unie - state 1 EU country only
- Žádost podána za účelem výkonu profesní nebo organizované dobrovolné činnosti, která zahrnuje přímý a pravidelný kontakt s dětmi. – The application is submitted for the purpose of performance of professional or voluntary organized activity that involves direct and regular contact with children
- Vyznačte variantu (x) - Mark variant (x) Ano/Yes or Ne/No
- Podpis žadatele – Signature of the applicant
- It is always necessary to enclose a verified copy of your passport (by Justice of Peace - J.P. or Notary Public).
- A verification of applicant´s signature on the application form is also required by Justice of Peace - J.P.
- Please include your contact details (phone, email).
- The fee is payable by credit card (at the consulate), push payment, bank account transfer (in case you choose this option, the exact information regarding the payment is to be sent to you after Consulate General receives the complete application). You may also apply for translation into English (fee apply for making the translation and verification of it - see Item No. 152b, 151c and No. 162b on the list of consular fees. The fee for the criminal excerpt is 200,- CZK (approx 12,- AUD). The fee (including translation) is 1150 CZK ( that corresponds to 71,- approx.) + postage . We accept payments in AUD only. The Record of the Czech Republic consists of one page, Record including any other country consists of two pages). Please do not send money in cash by post.
- If you require translation into English, please provide this information on the application.
- The Record can be sent to you by email ( a scan copy) or by mail. If you prefer the criminal excerpt to be send by email ( a scan copy) please indicate this on the request .
Postage/ Courier service/ Scan by email
Your application will be processed without undue delay after payment is processed. In some cases it may take up considerably longer time (up to 25 business days), especially when a Record of other EU country is requested as well or when the applicant is not a Czech citizen. Upon the receipt of the Record from the Czech Republic, the Consulate will immediately email the document to you.
Sending of the record by email (scan)
Most applicants ask for this option as it it usually faster and easier to proceed - if you prefer this option please indicate it on the request.
Sending the record by post:
In AUSTRALIA - Self addressed prepaid Registered Post or Express Post envelope has to be enclosed.
In NEW ZEALAND - It costs 29 AUD for International Express postage (faster and trackable) to New Zealand. The payment will be done by money transfer . The Consulate will send you instructions upon receipt of a complete application.
For further information and fees, please contact the Consular department of the Consulate of the Czech Republic in Sydney.