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Business networking in Sydney

The Consulate of the Czech Republic in Sydney in cooperation with the local office of CzechTrade and the Czech-Australian Chamber of Commerce organized the second business networking event on the 5 March 2015.

Nearly 40 guests arrived, majority of them were Czech nationals interested in starting goods import from the Czech Republic. Šárka Ponroy Vamberová on behalf of the Consulate welcomed all and presented Vojtech Helikar, the CzechTrade office director and Michal Kozar, the president of the Chamber. All three explained during the encounters their fields of expertise, new opportunities and possible hiccups in the bilateral trade.

Business networking

Business networking

Business networking

Business networking

from left M.Kozar, Š.P.Vamberová, V.Helikar

from left M.Kozar, Š.P.Vamberová, V.Helikar


Almost three-hour long soirée being held in very friendly atmosphere with Czech beer and ‘chlebíčky‘ was appreciated by all participants. The organizers would like to keep the bi-annual periodicity of such a gathering and expand it soon to other cities like Melbourne.

More photos on our facebook page.