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75th Anniversary of UN Peacekeeping - Wreath laying in memory of UN peacekeepers

On 24.10.2022, on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of United Nations Peacekeeping, a commemorative wreath laying ceremony took place in Martin Place in memory of those who took part in United Nations peacekeeping missions and those who contributed to activities of the United Nations. 

The Deputy Consul-General of the Czech Republic in Sydney was among many who laid a wreath as a gesture of thanks. 

UN peacekeeping missions are a fundamental instrument for maintaining international peace and security and became a symbol of peacekeeping efforts of the UN. Czechia actively participates by sending members of armed forces to contribute to UN peacekeeping missions. 

Deputy Consul-General Hana Landová in front of the memorial in Martin Place.

Deputy Consul-General Hana Landová in front of the memorial in Martin Place. 

Wreath laid on behalf of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Sydney

Wreath laid on behalf of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Sydney

Commemorative wreath laying ceremony in memory those that took part in UN peacekeeping missions and contributed to activities of the UN

Commemorative wreath laying ceremony in memory those that took part in UN peacekeeping missions and contributed to activities of the UN