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The Consul-General of the Czech Republic took part in a commemorative event to mark two years since Russia invaded the Ukraine.

On February 24, 2024, the Consul-General of the Czech Republic in Sydney Zuzana Slováková, along with other representatives of the local Consular Corps, took part in a commemorative event organised by the Ukranian Council of NSW to mark two years since Russia invaded the Ukraine.

As one of many who spoke at the commemorative event, the Ambassador of the Ukraine in Australia Vasyl Volodymyrovych Myroshnychenko gave a speech in the square in front of St Mary’s Cathedral in centre of Sydney. During the official ceremony, each representative of the local Consular Corps added a small Ukranian flag to a larger bundle as a symbolic reminder of the many human lives lost in the two years of the invasion. This commemorative event mirrored similar events that took place in numerous places in the Ukraine. As part of the event, there was a fundraising drive to support the Ukraine in its resistance against the aggressor.

Ambassador of the Ukraine in Australia Vasyl Volodymyrovych Myroshnychenko (centre) together with the Consul-General of the Czech Republic in Sydney Zuzana Slováková and other representatives of the local Consular Corps.

Ambassador of the Ukraine in Australia Vasyl Volodymyrovych Myroshnychenko (centre) together with the Consul-General of the Czech Republic in Sydney Zuzana Slováková and other representatives of the local Consular Corps. 

During the official ceremony, the Consul-General of the Czech Republic Zuzana Slováková placing a small Ukranian flag as part of a larger bundle as a symbolic reminder of the many human lives lost during the invasion.

During the official ceremony, the Consul-General of the Czech Republic Zuzana Slováková placing a small Ukranian flag as part of a larger bundle as a symbolic reminder of the many human lives lost during the invasion.

Commemorative event marking two years since Russia invaded the Ukraine.

Commemorative event marking two years since Russia invaded the Ukraine. 


Commemorative event marking two years since Russia invaded the Ukraine.

Commemorative event marking two years since Russia invaded the Ukraine.