Opening of the 24th Annual Sculpture by the Sea exhibition, Bondi 2022
24.10.2022 / 08:42 | Aktualizováno: 27.10.2022 / 03:25
On 21. 10. 2022 representatives of the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Sydney attended an early access viewing of the 24th Annual Sculpture by the Sea exhibition in Bondi. The exhibition, strewn along the iconic Coastal Walk between Bondi and Tamarama Beach in Sydney features the works of hundreds of artists from all over the world - including Czech artists Kryštof Kintera and Vojtěch Míča.
The idea behind the outdoor sculptural exhibition was born in former Czechoslovakia, where David Handley, the founder and artistic director of Sculpture by the Sea, was living at the beginning of the 90s. Inspired by the abundance of decorative sculpture at castles and chateau throughout the Czech countryside, he went on to organise the first exhibition of paintings and sculptures in 1996 in Sydney. In later years, as a result of the unique outdoor exhibition space, which is heavily influenced by the weather, the exhibition became focused on exclusively sculptures and outdoor installation. Over the 23 years of its existence the project has grown into a world-renowned and prestigious event and has become an inseparable part of Australia's yearly cultural calendar.
More information about the 24th Annual Sculpture by the Sea exhibition, Bondi 2022 can be found here:

Consul-General Zuzana Slováková and Deputy Consul-General Hana Landová during the early access viewing of the 24th Annual Sculpture by the Sea exhibition, Bondi 2022