"In my brother Karel’s wake” / “Za bratrem Karlem” Book Launch
03.04.2023 / 07:34 | Aktualizováno: 03.04.2023 / 08:16
On March 30, 2023 the book “In my brother Karel’s wake” / “Za bratrem Karlem” was launched at the Studio W gallery in Woolloomooloo. The book presents of a selection of Josef Čapek’s poems which were written in a concentration camp. They are a facsimile of the original hand-written pages, which were lent out by Josef Čapek’s granddaughter Kateřina Dostálová and translated for the first time into English. The collection of a total of 15 poems were translated by Australian linguist and translator with Czech roots, Alena Jirásková. Pavel Bosák came up with the graphic design of the book.
The book launch also served as a dignified reminder of the multi-faceted Josef Čapek, whose very broad artistic scope of interest spanned painting, dramaturgy, poetry, prose, journalism as well as art theory and critique.
The evening was closed out with a musical performance by the Sydney Great Synagogue choir, performing a rendition of Louis Lewandowski’s Enosh Kechatzir Yamav.
Guests also had the opportunity to take part in a non-traditional tasting of teas from Japan, Taiwan and India, as organised by Lucie Vaňová from Tea in Season.
More information for those interested in purchasing the book “In my brother Karel’s wake” / “Za bratrem Karlem” can be found on: www.czlink.com.au or by emailing czlink@hotmail.com