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90. Anniversary of the cooperation in the field of aviation

On April 25, 2017 at the premises of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Sofia was celebrated the 90. Anniversary of the cooperation between Czech and Bulgaria in the field of aviation under the aegis of H. E. Mr. Dušan Štrauch, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Bulgaria. At the ceremony were presented representatives of the Ministry of defense of the Republic of Bulgaria, the governance of the Military academy G. S. Rakovski, the Ambassador of the Slovak republic in Sofia, generals, officers and other representatives of the Bulgarian Air Force as well as col. Aleš Knížek, the director of the Military History Institute in Prague and Dr. Jiří Rajlich, director of directorate Historical-documentary of the Military History Institute in Prague.

The event was opened by a salutary speech of the Ambassador of the Czech Republic H. E. Mr. Dušan Štrauch. In his speech the Ambassador marked the fundamental moments of the cooperation between Czech and Bulgaria in the field of aviation, such as the signing of the contract between the Bulgarian government and the Czech company Aero-Prague in April 1927, on which basis an aircraft factory was founded in the town of Kazanlak and Czech engineers came to Bulgaria to take part at its initial quick growth. At the closing of his speech, the Ambassador expressed his readiness to promote a presentation of the new L39 NG here in Sofia as soon as company Aero will be able to offer such possibility.

The address H. E. Mr. Dušan Štrauch was followed by the speech of col. Prof. Dimitar Nedjalkov on the topic Bulgarian-Czech cooperation if the field of aviation. Col. Nedjalkov also presented his book Czech aircraft in the Bulgarian sky, which was met with great interest.

Dr. Jiří Rajlich, director of Directorate Historical-documentary of the Military History Institute in Prague also had a valuable contribution to the subject by presenting the Czech point of view to the cooperation between Czech and Bulgaria in the field of military aviation.

The event, as well as the book of col. Prof. Dimitar Nedjalkov, managed to consolidate the historical experience, knowledge and facts and to present the longstanding tradition between Czech and Bulgaria in a field of mutual interest to the public in Bulgaria.

