Official trip of H. E. Dušan Štrauch to Varna and Albena
10.06.2016 / 12:40 | Aktualizováno: 08.02.2018 / 17:18
H. E. Mr. Dušan Štrauch, Ambassador of the Czech Republic, visited the Black Sea region of Bulgaria, cities Varna and Albena. It was his first official trip since he started his duty as Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Bulgaria.
Meeting with heads of the city and region of Varna, Mayor Ivan Portnih and Governor Stoyan Pasev, were main aim of this visit. His Excellency also visited the Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic and met with Mrs. Zdeňka Boeva, Honorary Consul and with czech countrymen.
Mr. Ambassador also visited the power station of CEZ near the city of Varna.
The official trip was finished by the attendance of Ambassador at the Summer Seminar for Young Public Policy Professionals in Albena, where he made a requested speech about the anniversary of Visegrad Group and about V4 cooperation as an example of regional cooperation.