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Тhе International Defence Equipment Exhibition HEMUS in Plovdiv

Defence production in Bulgaria increases

Тhе International Defence Equipment Exhibition HEMUS in Plovdiv was held on May 25 – 28, 2016 in Plovdiv. H. E. Mr. Dušan Štrauch, Ambassador of the Czech Republic attended the opening of the Exhibition.

40 Bulgarian Exhibitors and 18 Foreign Exhibitors attended this event. The list of all participants you can find on www.hemusbg.org.

Defence production in Bulgaria has been increased in last years (more than 50% in 2015 to 640 mil. EURO). The biggest and regular customers are Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, USA, Algeria and India. The Bulgarian Army is going to realize 2 big acquisitions – fighter aircrafts and guard boats. Bulgarian Army also considers to buy combat armed vehicles.