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Long term residence

The competent authority to assess an application for long-term residence permit is the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.

How to schedule an appointment with a visa officer?

IMPORTANT: It is the applicant's responsibility to have all the documents ready for the appointment! Therefore, it is recommended to ask for appointment only after making sure the applicant can present all the required documents (as per list below)!

Long-term residence permit applicants need to schedule an appointment in advance. Please, send us an email requesting an appointment. In the subject of the email, specify “Long-Term Residence” as a reason for the appointment with a visa officer.  In the e-mail include scanned copies of:

  1. Your passport
  2. Singapore ID card
  3. Document confirming the purpose of stay (see point 5 in the "requirements" section below)

Requirements for the application

All documents must be presented in their original form or as a notarized copy and may not be older than 180 days, except travel document. All documents (except the travel document) must be in the Czech language. Translations into the Czech language must be officially verified.

1. Form "Request for Long-Term Residence"

  • - Form must be original, legible and filled out in capital letters
  • - Signagure of the applicant is necessary unless the applicant is younger than 15 years of age in which case the application must be signed by his parent / legal guardian.

2. Fee

  • - Visa fees vary depending upon the exchange rate between CZK/EUR and SGD.
  • - Visa fees are non-refundable when accepted for submission.

3. Two photographs

4. Passport and Singaporean ID card

  • - You must submit your original passport. Its validity must exceed the expected length of stay by at least 90 days (after the visa expires). Passport must have been issued within the previous 10 years.
  • - Passport must be signed
  • - The applicant must prove his legal stay in Singapore for at least 2 years before he day of application! This does not apply if you are a citizen of a state listed in Decree of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic n. 429/2010 Coll.

5. Supporting documents

  • - the document must be in original, signed by both sides and officially translated to the Czech language
  • STUDY - the original or a notarized copy of a document certifying acceptance into a study program issued by a Czech university or school.
    • - IMPORTANT: The purpose "study" is applicable only for programmes accreditted by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport or a similar institution. If you plan to study at a non-accreddited institution the viisa purpose will be "other"
    • - in case of a spouse: an original of a marriage certificate
    • - in case of a child: an original of a birth certificate
    • - or: another document certifying applicant's relationship to the Czech relative.
  • - OTHER - any documents confirming the purpose of stay

8. Document confirming accommodation

  • - an original statement from the owner of an apartment/house stating his/her ability and willingness to provide applicant’s accommodation for the time of stay (signature must be notarized by a Czech notary
  • - in the case of a lease for an apartment/house - the original or a notarized copy of the lease contract
  • - in the case of a sublet - the original or a notarized copy of the lease contract and an affidavit signed by the owner confirming the sublet (signature must be notarized by a Czech notary
  • - if you are an owner of the real property the original record or the notarized copy from the Real Estate Register is requested

9. Criminal History Background/ Affidavit

  • - A Criminal History Record issued by the official authority of the country of the applicant's nationality. The record must be appropriately certified (Apostille or super-legalization) along with a verified Czech translation;
  • - The applicant must also submit the same document issued by a State in which the applicant was staying continuously for more than 6 months in the past three years. An Excerpt from Criminal History Record issued by that country must also be submitted with the required Apostille or super-legalization along with a verified Czech translation.
  • - Children under the age of 15 are not required to submit the Criminal History Record.

10. Upon request, a medical report stating that the foreign national does not suffer from any serious disease.

Medical Travel Insurance
There is no need to present a valid medical travel insurance at the moment of application. However, prior to affixing of a visa, you must present a valid travel insurance to the consular officer. More information on our website and on the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

Processing time
The Ministry of the Interior shall decide on the application for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of :

  1. family cohabitation within 270 days , with the exception of a family member of a researcher (60 days), a family member of a Blue Card holder, intra-corporate transfer card holder and investor (90 days) and a family member of a resident of another EU Member State (120 days);
  2. investment within 30 days, or within 60 days in particularly complex cases.;
  3. study within 60 days;
  4. research within 60 days;
  5. residence of a resident of another EU Member State within 120 days;

More information

More information on the various types of long-term residence on the Czech MFA's central website and the Ministry of the Interior's website.


Biometric photo requirements 153 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Aug 26, 2021