Special Envoy Sečka presents priorities and events of the Czech EU Presidency in Singapore
18.05.2022 / 09:54 | Aktualizováno: 02.05.2024 / 13:20
L. Sečka, Special Envoy for the Indo-Pacific, paid a working visit to Singapore, where he met with representatives of the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore and the EU Delegation. The main topic was the presentation of the Indo-Pacific as a geographical and strategic priority of the Czech Presidency in the EU.
On 13 May 2022, Ambassador Libor Sečka, Special Envoy for the Indo-Pacific of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, paid a working visit to Singapore. His aim was to present activities within the framework of the upcoming Czech Presidency of the EU Council, which will be focused on the Indo-Pacific region.
At the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore, Ambassador Sečka met with Mr. Dan Yock Hau, Assistant Chief Executive, and Ms. Elizabeth Tan Chew Ling, Deputy Director of the International Cyber Policy Office. "Singapore is a close partner for Czechia in the development of norms of conduct in cyberspace. That is why I am glad that we are jointly considering the participation of European partners under the leadership of the Czech EU Presidency in the annual Singapore International CyberWeek event," remarked Mr. Sečka after the meeting.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Singapore - with Mr. Ng Teck Hean, Deputy Secretary (Asia-Pacific) and concurrently Deputy Secretary (Southeast Asia), and Mr. Lee Chong Hock, Director-General, Europe Directorate, Mr. Sečka discussed the process of developing the Czech EU Presidency's priorities, focusing in particular on its Indo-Pacific geographic priority and its intended events in the region. Special Envoy Sečka also met with the non-resident Ambassador of Singapore to the Czechia, Mr Tan Soo Khoon, with whom he discussed in detail his upcoming trip to Prague and Brno as well as the internal political situation in both countries. "After the reopening of the Czech Embassy in Singapore, the friendly relations between both countries are being strengthened and enveloped with concrete activities, which is the ultimate goal of the implementation of the European Indo-Pacific Strategy," Ambassador Sečka stated.
At the end of the trip, the Special Envoy met with the EU Ambassador to Singapore, Ms. Iwona Piórko, to discuss cooperation with the EU Delegation during the Czech EU Presidency in Singapore.