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Photo: (c) 2022, Velvyslanectví ČR v Singapuru / Czech Embassy in Singapore
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Czech EU Presidency organised a seminar "Responsible State Behaviour in Cyberspace"

The Czech Republic and Singapore, together with the Enhancing Security In and With Asia (ESIWA) project and the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore (CSA), organised a seminar on the side-lines of the 7th Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW) to exchange views on responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. The seminar’s second part focused on the protection of the critical infrastructure in the health sector, which has recently been the target of large number of cyber-attacks globally.

Deputy Foreign Minister Mr. Martin Dvořák

Deputy Foreign Minister Mr. Martin Dvořák

The seminar was opened with an introductory speech by Mr. Martin Dvořák, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic, and Mr David Koh, Chief Executive of CSA. Two speakers delivered their opening remarks online: Mr. Ivan Bartoš, the Deputy Prime Minister for Digitalisation of the Czech Republic, and Ms Joanneke Balfoort, Director of the Security and Defence Policy Directorate of the European External Action Service.

The seminar then featured two panels with speakers from public and private sectors. The first panel discussed the efficient implementation of norms, rules and principles of Responsible State Behaviours, as affirmed in the Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) and the Group of Government Experts (GGE) reports which were approved by the United Nations’ General Assembly in 2021. The second panel discussed how cyber incidents can impact and harm vulnerable communities and the healthcare sector and ways we can go about protecting this critical sector. The overarching aim of the seminar was to support cooperation between Indo-Pacific countries and the EU within multilateral fora such as the UN.

Panel 1

Panel 1

The European Union has long been striving to find ways for better protection from cyber-attacks. This requires a global solution since it is a global problem. That is the reason the Czech Republic, which holds the presidency of the Council of the European Union in the second half of 2022, has set as one of its priorities during its EU presidency to discuss the possibility to strengthen cyber security at the multilateral fora.

Panel 2

Panel 2