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Organizational chart

Meet the employees of the Embassy!


Ambassador: H. E. Michaela Froňková
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary since 26th October 2021
Assistant of the Ambassador: Mrs. Michaela Hrnčířová
e-mail: singapore@mzv.gov.cz
Deputy Head of Mission and Consul:

Mr. Petr Manoušek
Accredited since 9/2021
Consular and Visa Affairs: singapore.consulate@mzv.gov.cz
Economic and Trade Affairs: singapore.commerce@mzv.gov.cz
Other Affairs: singapore@mzv.gov.cz

Head of Administration: Ms. Jana Horčičková
Accredited since 4/2024
e-mail: singapore@mzv.gov.cz
Consular officer:

Mr. Róbert Novotný
Accredited since 10/2022
e-mail: singapore.consulate@mzv.gov.cz