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Czechia will support the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem

The Head of the Representative Office Jakub Šlosárek and the Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta in Palestine, Michele Bowe, signed a contract on 12 June 2024 to make a so-called tied donation for the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, which is run by the Order.

The donation is provided within the framework of the Reconstruction Programme of the Czech Republic in the Middle East Region for the period 2022-2024, and the hospital will receive equipment from Czech manufacturers. Part of the equipment will be placed in the new premises that the hospital is currently completing.

The Holy Family Hospital was founded in 1882, and since 1990, when it was reopened after a break as a specialized maternity hospital, more than 100,000 babies have been born there. From the Bethlehem Governorate, 70% of babies are born there, as well as from other areas due to its specialisation in high-risk cases. In the current situation, Bethlehem, which lives mainly on tourism, is one of the most affected regions, and the hospital provides services at minimal or no cost to many patients who otherwise couldn’t afford care.