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Curriculum Vitae

Radim PECL


Date of Birth:           4th September 1960

Place of Birth:         Prague, Czech Republic

Education:                 University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Trade – Foreign Trade (1984)


since 1984      Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

1984 - 1987    Desk Officer in the Sub-Saharan Africa Department

1987 - 1991    Embassy of the Czech Republic in Harare, Zimbabwe – Attaché

1991 - 1992    Desk Officer in the Sub-Saharan Africa Department – 3rd Secretary 

1992 - 1996    Embassy of the Czech Republic in Lagos, Nigeria – 2nd Secretary

1996 - 1998    Desk Officer in the Sub-Saharan Africa Department – 1st Secretary 
1998 - 2001    Chargé d´Affaires en pied of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tripoli, Libya

2001 - 2005    Head of the Representative Office of the Czech Republic in Ramallah, Palestine

2005 - 2009    Desk officer and Head of division in the Middle East and North Africa Department – Counsellor

2009 - 2014    Embassy of the Czech Republic in Canberra, Australia – Deputy Head of Mission

2014 - 2015     Senior Diplomatic Secretary of Director General of Economic Section – Counsellor Minister

2016                 Economic Diplomacy Department

2016 - 2017    Office of the Government of the Czech Republic - Department of the Protocol and foreign affairs relations – foreign affairs division

2017                Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic - Personnel Department

2019 - now     Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the DPRK

Languages:    English, Russian

Marital status: Married, one daughter