
Milk Collection Centre Construction Guide

The objective of this paper is to present the design concept prepared by the Czech PRT and Afghan communities in Logar Province. This design can be used as a guideline for potential Afghan or international donors in the field of dairy business development on how to construct community-based milk collection centres. more ►

Information Leaflet

The information leaflet provides information about Czech Republic's engagement in Afghanistan. It includes priorities and signature projects, available here to download in PDF format. more ►

The Emblem of the Czech Provincial Reconstruction Team in Logar

The Czech Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) consists of a group of civilian experts dispatched by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as a contingent of the Czech Army. The civilian and military sections each have their own emblems. more ►

Photo and Video

Under construction. Czech engineers visit project sites

The construction season has started just couple days ago and the engineers are keeping an eye on how the works at projects site continue. more ►