Czech Chamber of Commerce
Czech Chamber of Commerce (CCC) is an entity representing the entrepreneurial public and became an integral part of the economic life in the Czech Republic. It protects the interests of its members – small, medium, and large enterprises associated in a network of regional chambers and trade associations. Czech Chamber of Commerce is a unique institution members of which advocate adherence to the principles of ethical behaviour towards their respektive partners and customers. Membership of the Czech Chamber of Commerce is voluntary.
Mission of the Czech Chamber of Commerce
- representation of entrepreneurial interests
- support of private enterprises
- consulting for entrepreneurs
- commenting legislature
- establishing business contacts abroad
- extra judicial settlement of disputes and arbitration court
- other entrepreneurial services
Strategic objectives of the Czech Chamber of Commerce
Quality entrepreneurial environment in the Czech Republic, European Union and the world
One of the main objectives of the Chamber of Commerce is the support and active establishment of optimal conditions for entrepreneurship development. In this respect it is the Chamber’s long-term concept to cooperate with state administration, local authorities, representatives of occupational unions and association, entrepreneurs as well as the unions.
Support of knowledge economics
The Chamber of Commerce deems education as one of the supporting pillars of its activity; it strives to create a system of recognising qualification and further professional education. The Chamber supports education at trade schools, cooperation between development, educational institutions and entrepreneurs.
Services for all entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic
The Chamber of Commerce as the authority for entrepreneurs sets an objective for itself to provide services for all entrepreneurs as part of consulting, mediation of information, business contacts. It participates in creating an entrepreneurial environment even in a way that will enable the prevention of origination of disputes.
International cooperation
The Chamber of Commerce supports international cooperation in the field of sharing know-how, transfer of technologies, business cooperation and other activities to support competitiveness of Czech entrepreneurs.
Czech Chamber of Commerce (CCC)
Freyova 27/82
190 00 Praha 9 - Vysočany
Czech Republic
Tel.: +420-266 721 300