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Commercial and Economic Section

Commercial and Economic Section of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Pristina develops and supports trade relations between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Kosovo.

The Commercial and Economic Section promotes economic interests of the Czech Republic in Kosovo mainly by activities in the following fields:

  • support the Czech exporters and Kosovo importers interested in bringing Czech products to the Kosovo market
  • support Kosovo and other foreign investors interested in investment opportunities in the Czech Republic
  • support to cooperation between Czech and Kosovo enterprises and facilitation of know-how and technology exchange
  • strengthening of existing ties between institutions and authorities in both countries dealing with economic, commercial and business-related agenda


Embassy of the Czech Republic
Commercial and Economic  Section
Ismail Qemali 132
10000 Pristina

Head of Economic and Commercial Section
E-mail: pristina.commerce@mzv.gov.cz
Tel.: +381 38 246 676