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Výstava "Couples", zahájila dne 6. května 2016, projekt Gallerie 17/18

Velvyslanec ČR v Kanadě pan Pavel Hrnčíř a paní  Veronika Holcová dne 6. května 2016 v 17:00 hod. v prostorách velvyslanectví ČR, 251 Cooper Street, Ottawa,  slavnostně zahájili výstavu „Couples“, která je pilotním projektem Galerie 17/18.
Výstavu je možné shlédnout do 17. června 2016 v pondělí až  čtvrtek, 10:00 - 16:00 a  v pátek 8;00 - 14:00 na základě domluvy - tel.:  001.613.562.3875

Gallery 17/18

The Embassy of the Czech Republic is partnering with the non-profit initiative Gallery 17/18 to host art exhibitions in the Embassy building, which has been recently adapted for the presentation of artistic works. Gallery 17/18 will provide a venue for contemporary Czech and Canadian artists to showcase their works over 2017 and 2018. These are the years in which Canada and the Czech Republic will commemorate important anniversaries, 150 years since Canadian Confederation and 100 years since the creation of the independent state of Czechoslovakia. During these years, we will organize a series of exhibitions featuring artists from both of our countries. Gallery 17/18 is open to collaboration with Canadian institutions. We hope that we will be able to attract, entertain, and maybe even surprise you with inspiring and artistically valuable works of art.



slavnostní zahájení 192 KB JPG (Obrázek / Fotka) 13. 5. 2016