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Náprstek Muzeum is getting ready for unique exhibition of Bhutanese textiles and jewellery

The National Muzeum - Náprstek Muzeum has commenced with arrangements for upcoming exhibition of Bhutanese textiles and jewellery that will be inaugurated in April 2015. The exhibition Bhutan - Land Close to Heaven is focused on presentation of unique traditional textiles, clothes and jewellery that were borrowed from Royal Textile Academy of Bhutan. On March 5, 2015, Náprstek Muzeum organized a press conference to inform Czech exhibition-goers about the event and opening of the containers together with first introduction of the artifacts to the Czech public was also broadcased live on Czech TV 1.

The National Museum – Náprstek Museum in Prague is honoured to introduce Bhutan as a wonderful country of rich history and natural beauties to its visitors for the first time in history. To the Czech audience, the exhibition presents probably the most typical Bhutanese art and craft, which is weaving. Weaving has got a long tradition and it has always been the domain of women, even in the aristocratic families. The female members of the royal family also carry on this traditional art.

Her Majesty Ashi Sangay Choden Wangchuck, the Queen Mother, is the patroness of the Bhutan Textile Museum and the Royal Textile Academy. Náprstek Museum prepared the exhibition of items from the collections of the Royal Textile Academy.

Weaving is one of the thirteen traditional arts and crafts and it is much appreciated in Bhutan. Textiles have always had a special status. They symbolised the wealth of the family and its social status. In the complicated Bhutanese etiquette giving a garment as a present plays an important role. Bhutanese textiles are famous for magnifi cent patterns that are created in a complicated weaving technique. Wool, cotton and silk are used as materials.

The uprocming exhibtion furthermore present to the Czech public a scarce collection of Bhutanese jewellery, and above all Bhutanese crown jewells and famous „Raven Crown.“

The hereditary monarchy of the Wangchuk dynasty in the independent Himalayan State of Bhutan was established in 1907. The first king of the Wangchuk dynasty, Sir Ugyen Wanghuck (1862–1926), was a charismatic figure who came to power against a turbulent background of incessant and complex feuding in that chaotic warrior state. He adopted as the unique symbol of his authority a crown surmounted by the head of a raven. The bird represents a form of " Mahakala", Bhutan's guardian deity. The prototype of the founding monarch's Raven Crown had first been devised as a battle helmet for his father, Jigme Namgyel (1825–81).

The Raven Crown today is the official crown worn by the Kings of Bhutan. The Raven is the national bird of Bhutan. The raven is known locally as Jaroq. At one time it was a capital crime to kill a raven in Bhutan.


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