Shooting in the Czech Republic
10.05.2016 / 09:26 | Aktualizováno: 09.07.2022 / 21:05
The Embassy of the Czech Republic, working together with the country´s film industry, is taking important efforts to make the Czech Republic more attractive to Indian filmmakers and encourage them to make better use of world-wide esteemed strengths and capacities of local film industry.
In fact, the Czech Republic is an ideal place for moviemakers. It offers incredibly diverse locations as well as an advanced movie industry with tradition and know-how, most up-to-date technologies, one of the largest studio spaces in Europe, high quality postproduction and experienced crew. A complete range of world-class services related to moviemaking can be commissioned in the Czech Republic, ranging from location scouting, set construction, stunts, production services, sound recording, make-up, film laboratories, special effects, animation, post production and many more.
The Czech Republic has on offer exceptional production value and crews can also benefit from its central location in the heart of Europe, which makes it a great base for filming on the continent. The Czech Republic is used to hosting foreign crews as already a large number of international productions were shot in there including large-scale Hollywood movies such as ‘Casino Royale’ or ‘Child 44’, Chinese hits like ‘Somewhere only we know’ or Bollywood blockbusters such as ‘Rockstar’, ‘Bang Bang’, ‘Drona’ and ‘Prague’. Besides that, also a large number of international commercials were made in the Czech Republic, where you can also find some of the world-class commercial and music video creatives as well as directors.
The diversity of landscape, architecture and cultural heritage allows film crews to focus on shooting without the necessity to travel large distances between takes. Besides world-famous historical sites such as Prague and Kutna Hora or a large number of castles and sacral buildings, it is possible to find in the country also modern architecture and contemporary spaces as well as diverse industrial locations.
In order to make film shooting even more rewarding experience for foreign moviemakers, the Czech Republic offers a generous system of incentives in the form of cash rebates on costs spent in the country that apply both to foreign and Czech spending
The cash rebates are upto 20 % and there is no cap on the per-project grant. Since 2010, when the scheme was introduced, more than 200 movie and TV productions were granted the rebate. The rebates are administered by State Cinematography Fund.
For more information, visit http://www.filmcommission.cz/en/ or send email to newdelhi@embassy.mzv.cz