Theatre Play 'Giraftari' Based on Franz Kafka's Novel 'The Trial'
24.02.2021 / 16:30
Theatre play "Giraftari", performed by RATNAV folk and theatre group, will open new theatre season at Sri Ram Centre in New Delhi on Friday, March 5th, 2021. The play is based on novel of famous Bohemian author Franz Kafka "The Trial".
The play is held in collaboration with the Embassy of Austria, Austrian Cultural Forum and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi.

(Photo: Statue of Franz Kafka at the Wax Museum in Prague)
The play is performed by 'Rama Theatre Natya Vidya' (RATNAV) and directed by its founder Rama Pandey, on Friday 5 March 2021 at 6.15pm.
The event is supported by Sideways Consulting.

(Photo: Statue of Franz Kafka in Prague between Široká and U holy spirit streets)
About author Franz Kafka
One of the most influential and inspiring authors of the 20th century was born in 1883 in Prague, today's capital of the Czech Republic.

(Photo: House in Golden Lane in Prague where Franz Kafka lived)
Kafka was an introvert to the extent that he would not allow the publication of his work during his lifetime. His most recognized pieces The Trial, The Metamorphosis, The Castle, A Hunger Artist or The Judgment were published only after his death in 1924 near Vienna, capital of Austria.
In his writings, Kafka often explores and focuses on themes of life experience and absurdities whilst skilfully depicting the interplay between daily life and the extent of human creativity. This is reflected in many of his most significant literary works in which he transcends the line between reality and human imagination, exploiting the human psyche and consciousness.
Despite Franz Kafka wrote his novels a hundred years ago they are still very popular in Europe and many people believe that he was a literary genius. His name is still resonating throughout the world of literature even today.

(Photo: The 36-feet-high statue with 42 moving panels forming the face of Franz Kafka became Travellers’ Choice 2020.)
About the play
“Giraftari” is the adaptation of Franz Kafka’s popular novel “The Trial”. This is the story of a man who is alienated in society. This is a story set in present day India and based in Delhi. The story is a true depiction of the common man in Indian society in today’s political scenario.

(Photo: Mrs. Rama Pandey, founder and director of RATNAV folk and theatre group)
About the director Rama Pandey
Mrs Rama Pandey is eminent theatre, television and film personality who communicates and expresses her creativity through theatre, television and films.
Her television show on rich cultural heritage of India “Jane Apna Desh” has been successfully running for the last fifteen years on Doordarshan Rajasthan.
Rama Pandey is trying to show and preserve the cultural beauty of India through her show.
She runs theatrical group called "Rama Theatre Natya Vidya" or shortly "RATNAV". She is also owner of MONTAGE FILMS company.
Group RATNAV is her dream venture in the field of performing arts. RATNAV is working to promote and protect dying oral and folk tradition of India.

(Photo: Giraftari play performed by members of RATNAV folk and theatre group)
About RATNAV folk and theatre group
Theatre and folk group "Ram Theatre Natya Vidya" or "RATNAV" has been formed and visualized by Mrs. Rama Pandey.
Many oral traditions are now in dying conditions in India and RATNAV works on livelihood of artists and promotes their art through theatre performances.
The idea behind RATNAV is to bring various oral art forms before the world.

(Photo: Franz Kafka lived in this house in Prague from 1889 to 1896, his sisters were born in this house called "U minuty")
Other useful information
The play is 1 hour 45 minutes long and there is no intermission.
The auditorium will be sanitised before the play and every audience member will be given a complimentary mask.
The entrance is free.
The entrance is on the first come first served basis.
All the social distancing norms will be followed with only 50 percent seat occupancy.
If you are interested to attend please register at
For more information please send email to or call +919873102241.