Festival of Animated Movies for Children "Check the Czechs"
20.05.2021 / 08:47
The Czech Republic is a super power in making animation movies for children. The Embassy of the Czech Republic is a Partner of the festival of the Czech animated films for children called "Check the Czechs" which will be held online from 28th May to 1st June 2021.
To participate just register at http://bit.ly/Smile-ZlinFilmFestival
The film festival "Check the Czechs", organized by SIFFCY (Smile International Film Festival for Children &Youth), ZFF (Zlin Film Festival Czech Republic) and Smile Foundation, will show brilliant Czech animations.
ZFF is famous international film festival organized every year for children and youth in the Czech town of Zlin. Nowadays ZFF is the one of the oldest and largest film festivals of its kind in the world. Its prestige increases every year not only in the Czech Republic, but also abroad.
The festival received an important award at the end of 2019 in Tokyo, Japan at the KINEKO International Children's Film Festival, where it won the KINEKO HONORARY AWARD for its contribution to cinematography for children and youth.
The festival's mission is to present international film productions for children and teenagers, to make them accessible to the child audiences, and offer a high-quality alternative to commonly available audiovisual content. An important aspect of the festival is to educate young audiences through the medium of film, expand their awareness of the outside world, and develop their aesthetic, social, and moral feelings. The aim of the program is to systematically contribute to the development of Czech cinema for children and youth.
We encourage especially children to write their reviews about the films and send to info.cfcsmile@gmail.com latest by 10th June 2021. The best review will receive a gift hamper.