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Photo: Post report brochure - Frankfurt Messe 2017
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Rail India Conference and Expo - Opportunity for Czech Companies

Venue: Hotel LaLit, New Delhi

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi invites companies from the railways manufacturing sector to attend the 3rd Edition of Rail India Conference and Expo, which will take place from 30th to 31st August 2018 at the LaLit Hotel in Delhi. The event can be combined with participation in another conference called "Smart Railways Conclave" where the Czech Embassy will participate as a partner country just two days earlier and will maximize the effect of two major events taking place in India in the course of four days 2018. In addition, the Embassy negotiated favorable conditions for prospective participants, including a possible fair stand.

The organizers, Messe Frankfurt, arranging another edition of one of India's leading railway conferences called Rail India Conference and Expo. The Embassy of the Czech Republic plans to participate in the event similarly as in the last year, when more than 200 participants, including 32 prominent speakers, participated in the conference. Among them were Czech companies. The event will be held from 30th to 31st August 2018 at the LaLit Hotel in Delhi, and in addition to the conference, it is possible to present its services and products on a stand, which can be provided a at a very favourable disounted rate.

India represents a country with great prospects in the railways. In addition to quantitative development, introducing new (and bullet trains) corridors, there is an increasing attention from the Government of India, which finances large-scale rolling stock and infrastructure upgrades. In addition to development of passenger transport, freight transport is developing too and more and more attention is focused on increasing transport speed, reducing accidents and supporting the comfort of transportation. Many foreign firms are heading their businesses to India, where there is a clear demand for technology which can not be sourced from its domestic pool.

The Railway Conference of India is promised to be visited by the most important rail stakeholders in India, from the Railway Board, via private railway manufacturers to affiliated sector experts. Managers and senior decision-makers in the field of urban rail systems or metro will also be present. If you are interested or need more information, please do not hesitate to contact the Embassy of the Czech Republic Commercial Counsellor Milan Dostál at Milan_Dostal@mzv.cz In annexure please see the brochure, program and report of the last year.


Milan Dostál, Economic Diplomat, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi


Program 236 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Jul 31, 2018

Information brochure 791 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Jul 31, 2018

Information brochure 997 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Jul 31, 2018