Smart Railways Conclave 2018 - Invitation for Companies to participate
23.07.2018 / 16:50
The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi invites all interesting stakeholders to take the opportunity to participate in the 2nd edition of SMART Railways Conclave, specializing in technological innovation on railways, which will take place on August 28, 2018 in Delhi. The conclave focuses on the role of modernization and digitization, cutting edge technology, energy efficiency, railways infrastructure, integrated freight solutions, world class business analytics and automated data collection to enhance customer service, sustainability and connectivity across India. Czech Republic is participating participate through the Embassy as a partner country.
Organizing FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) is the oldest and largest of all Associations in India. The Economic Department of the Embassy of the Czech Republic will attend the conference not only as one of the speakers, but also exhibit on the stand where the interested stakeholders will be informed about the unique solutions of the Czech manufacturers available to India on its way to a safer, faster and more comfortable railroad. Local companies are therefore also invited to interact with Commercial Representative of the Embassy!
Czech manufacturers are enjoying an outstanding reputation and historical references when working with India. The Czech railways network is the densest in the world, and industrial development in the Czech Republic is unmistakably linked to the development of railways, which in the time of the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy was among the most developed in Europe and still is.
The present Czech manufacturers in the railways are just as successful today and are increasingly confident on their way into the prospective Indian market.

The key highlights of the Conclave:
• Network with top policy makers, government and business leaders
• A forum for discussion, exchange and engagement
• Vendors meet with key government officials
• Influential presentations/speeches by eminent experts and thought leaders
•Constructive dialogue with decision makers
• Learn about best practices and investment opportunities in Indian Railways
The Embassy of the Czech Republic recommends participation at the SMART Railways Conclave, which is held on 28 August 2018 in Delhi at the FICCI headquarters. The organizers offer several packages for individual exhibitors, which can be found in the enclosed files. At the same time, we encourage visiting delegates to find Czech presence and discuss the possible ways for enhancing the cooperation with the Embassy on the spot. For more information please contact Commercial and Economical Counsellor Milan Dostal at Milan_Dostal@mzv.cz.
Milan Dostál, Economic Diplomat, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi