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Call to Participate in the Circular Economy Mission

Date: 04 September 2018 2:00 AM - 07 September 2018 2:00 AM, Venue: New Delhi

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi invites Czech entities to participate in the Circular Economy Mission organized by the European Union Delegation in India on September 4-7, 2018. The circular economy is a concept that is an integral part of sustainable development. It deals with ways to improve the quality of the environment and human life by increasing the efficiency of production through the repeated use of raw materials. Participation in the mission will help to support Czech companies and institutions in accessing the Indian market by establishing valuable contacts and at the same time bringing India up to date with the latest European technologies.

The key is that used materials are separated into two independently circulated circuits that are governed by a different logic. The former operates with substances of organic origin that are easily degradable, and therefore it is not a problem to return them back to the biosphere. The second one deals with synthetic substances, which should be inserted into products so that they can be extracted and reused subsequently, and it is possible to return them to the biosphere.
India is a high-potential market based on more than a billion people, economic growth and the development phase in which plastic, construction, glass and other waste is a huge challenge for sustainable development. This is why the Indian government has declared its goal to ban disposable plastics by 2022, which, for the most part, is the cause of the nature and landscape pollution.

The Embassy of the Czech Republic supports Czech companies in the field of circular economy, waste management, recycling and sustainable development as a whole. By participating in the Circular Economy Mission, participants will be able to get acquainted with the most important players in the area in India. At the same time, they will also be able to present their technologies or innovations at the conference.
Participation is not subject to charge, however the participants pay for airfare and accommodation on site.
The Embassy strongly recommends attending the event. For more information, please refer to the attached program or at https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CEMissionIndia or contact our Commercial Counsellor  at Milan_Dostal@mzv.cz. Applications are accepted until June 14, 2018.


Milan Dostál, Economic Diplomat, Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi


Program 330 KB DOCX (FILE_TYPE_DOCX) Jun 11, 2018