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Výročí úmrtí Alekseje Navalného

Dnes si připomínáme den úmrtí ruského opozičního politika Alekseje Navalného, jenž byl dlouhá léta pronásledován ruskými úřady. I dnes vyjadřujeme soustrast jeho rodině. Česká Republika společně s dalšími státy Evropské unie, Austrálie, Kanady, Norska, Nového Zélandu a Velké Británie vyzývá Rusko, aby propustilo všechny politické vězně.

Níže uvádíme společné prohlášení všech výše zmíněných států v anglickém jazyce. 

On the anniversary of Alexei Navalny’s death, which followed years of persecution by the Kremlin, we again extend our condolences to his family. We reiterate that the ultimate responsibility for his death lies with the Russian authorities. One year on, Russia’s dire human rights record continues to deteriorate. The Kremlin crushes peaceful dissent, maintains a climate of fear and undermines the rule of law. All to serve its own interests. As we reflect on Navalny’s enduring legacy, we continue to stand with civil society and human rights defenders working tirelessly to build a better future for Russia in the face of immense personal risk.

There are over 800 political prisoners in Russia, including many imprisoned for speaking out against the Kremlin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and the brutality shown towards the Ukrainian people. The UN Special Rapporteur’s reports illustrate how many political prisoners are tortured, denied adequate medical treatment and placed in forced psychiatric detention. We are clear: the Russian authorities must uphold their international obligations and release all political prisoners.

Australia, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Sweden and the United Kingdom