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Ministr Lipavský at the 58th Human Rights Council

On 25 February, Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský gave a video speech at the 58th Council of Human Rights high level session.

As a Minister of a member state of the Human Rights Council, he emphasized the key role of the Council in addressing human rights crises, and pointed out the symbolisms of the 80th anniversary of the United Nations' multilateral rules-based system.  

In his speech, Ministr Lipavský stated Czechia’s continuous support of Ukraine undergoing Russia’s continuous aggression, causing sufferings of civilians, pleading holding Russia accountable for its war crimes. Namely, the Ministr called on Russia to release all political prisoners. Furthemore, he put an emphasis on countries where human rights are under attack, including Russia. The Minister voiced support for the rights of citizens of Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea, Myanmar, Belarus or China as well. Last but not least, Mr. Lipavský pointed out the importance of the Human Rights Council in shaping global digital standards, in particular by fostering dialogue between human rights and technical experts.

Minister Lipavský's speech at the 58th Human Rights Council

Minister Lipavský's speech at the 58th Human Rights Council