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Promoting civil society participation in the Human Rights Council

On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the Permanent Mission in Geneva hosted a breakfast with an informal discussion on the topic of civil society participation in the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) with human right expert from HRC member states. The meeting continued the Czech tradition of breakfasts with human rights defenders and referred to the meeting between French President François Mitterrand and Czechoslovak dissidents in 1988.

Deputy Permanent Representative Gabriela Boiteux Pilná highlighted the importance of civil society, independent media and the work of human rights defenders as key values that Czechia stands for on the international stage. Her opening remarks were followed by the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association, Gina Romero, who addressed the challenges that civil society is facing. She also stressed the need to protect a safe environment for civil society participation.  During the discussion that followed, participants agreed on the importance of civil society as the cornerstone of democracy, they exchanged views on the challenges and opportunities of emerging technologies for the civil society and on the role of non-governmental organizations during the negotiations in the HRC.

The event was an opportunity for an informal exchange of views with experts from all regions. We hope to have more such opportunities in the future as well. We would like to thank the experts from Ethiopia, Malawi, Republic of Korea, Maldives, Thailand, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Chile, Albania, Island, Switzerland and North Macedonia.


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