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Photo: Velvyslanectví ČR v Manile
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Filipino students awarded in Lidice Art Competition

Ambassador Jana Šedivá awarded five children from Lourdes School of Mandaluyong for their contribution to the International Children´s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice in 2018.

Czech Ambassador presented the diplomas of „Honorable Mentions“, together with gifts of Czech books, to successful competitors from Lourdes School  who contributioned to the 2018 topic Water (above Gold).

The school was also invited to participate in the ICEFA 2019 edition which has a theme "Chemistry" (to commemorate 150 years since the world saw for the first time Mendeleyev’s Periodic Table of Elements, one of the pillars of modern chemistry).

International Children´s Exhibition of Fine Arts Lidice (ICEFA) commemorates the complete destruction of Czech village Lidice by Nazis in 1942 and promotes international peace and cooperation. It has grown into one of the biggest art competitions in the world. Recently, more than 25,000 art works come regularly from other 60-70 countries, including such distant ones as China, India, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka or Zimbabwe. In 2018, the exhibition received the Gratias Agit award (formerly Jan Masaryk Gratias Agit) from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic for spreading the good name of the Czech Republic abroad.