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You are entitled to file the application for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of study if you intend to stay in the Czech Republic for a period longer than 3 months and if the Czech school and their study program comply with Art. 64 of the Act on Residence of Foreign Nationals.

Processing time

Application for the long-term residence permit for the purpose of study shall be processed within 60 days after the applicant provided all requested documentation.

Required documents



(!) All documents (except the passport and certain forms of proof of sufficient financial means) must be completed and presented in the Czech language.
(!) Every document must be submitted in original (or as a notarized copy made from the original) AND with one plain photocopy thereof, which means that one application file contains two complete sets of documents.
(!) No document (except the passport) may be older than 180 days.
(!) Additional documentation must be provided if the applicant is a minor (less than 18 years of age at the time of submitting the application).


  1. This list, printed out, and with items being submitted checked/marked.
  2. Long-term residence application form (form_residence (PDF, 815 KB)).
    - Form must be filled in completely and legibly in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS with a BLUE ball point pen OR on a typewriter.
    - Use European format "dd mm yyyy" OR "mm yyyy" for calendar dates.
    - For item 4: include your first and also your middle name(s) exactly as shown in your passport.
    - For item 9: enter your place of birth exactly as shown in your passport.
    - For item 11: enter the highest level of education you have completed so far ("ZÁKLADNÍ = elementary, "STŘEDOŠKOLSKÉ" = high school, "VYŠŠÍ ODBORNÉ" = technical college, "BAKALÁŘSKÉ" = B.A. degree awarded, "MAGISTERSKÉ" = M.A. degree awarded).
    - For item 12: complete as appropriate (e.g. "STUDENT" = male student, "STUDENTKA" = female student, "BEZ ZAMĚSTNÁNÍ" = if unemployed, "PŘESTUP MEZI ŠKOLOU USA/ČR" = if between a US and a Czech school, etc.). Use an online translator for Czech names of other professions.
    - For item 13: if currently studying, enter information on your school in the USA as "Employer".
    - For item 14: enter information on your school in Czechia.
    - For item 15: "STUDIUM".
    - For item 16: refers to your current residence in the USA.
    - For item 20: record in the "mm yyyy" format.
    - For item 28: enter your current contact e-mail address starting with: "E-MAIL: …".
    - For item 29: remember to include the city/town where & the date ("dd mm yyyy") when you completed the form. Sign the form. If the residence permit is requested for a minor, it is one of minor's legal guardians (typically a parent) who signs the form on behalf of the minor.
  3. One plain single-sided photocopy of the completed application form. Copy all pages including those where you made no records.
  4. Two (2) passport size photographs.
    - Photos must be identical, recent, in color, size 3.5 x 4.5 cm or 2 x 2 inches. Entire face must be clearly visible, white background. For the 3.5 x 4.5 cm size photo, the distance between the eye level and the chin must be at least 13 mm. For a 2 x 2 inches size photo, head must be between 1-1 3/8 inches (25-35 mm) from the bottom of the chin to the top of the head.
    - Photos must be in a good print quality on high quality photo paper, made at a professional photo studio. Do not print photos yourself or the application will be unacceptable.
    - Write down your surname in BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS on the reverse of each photo, and insert the photos loosely inside your passport.
  5. Passport:
    - Original;
    - Must contain the signature of passport bearer;
    - Must be issued within the previous 10 years;
    - Must be valid for at least 9 months after the intended date of entry into Czechia;
    - Must contain at least 2 blank pages.
  6. Two plain photocopies of the data page of the passport.
    - The data page contains passport bearer's photograph and personal details, information on the date of issue, validity and issuing authority of the passport, etc.
    - If the signature of passport bearer is featured on a different page, submit two plain copies of this page as well.
    - Non-US citizens must further submit two plain photocopies of documents proving their legal status in the US: valid US visa (type A, E, F /plus endorsed I-20, F-1, DS-2019 or IAP-66/, G, H, I, J /plus J1 document/, L, O, R), OR valid Alien Registration Card (Green Card - copy front side only).                                                                                                                 
  7. Two plain copies of the driver license or other document proving permanent residency in the jurisdiction of our Consulate General. The application has to be submitted at the Consular Office (of the Embassy or Consulates General of the Czech Republic) in accordance with the jurisdiction where you permanently reside.                       
  8. Document confirming the purpose of stay in Czechia.
    - Confirmation of enrolment into studies issued by the Czech school (Acceptance Letter).
    - The document must be written in the Czech language.
    - The document must be submitted as a wet-signed original, OR as a notarized copy made from the original (the notarization must be carried out in Czechia). E-mailed, scanned or faxed versions are not acceptable.
  9. One plain photocopy of all pages of the document confirming the purpose of stay.
  10. Proof of accommodation.
    - Accommodation may be proven by one of the following means:
    (A) document issued by the Czech school, verifying the accommodation for the duration of the stay, OR
    (B) written confirmation from the owners of the apartment/house, with their signatures notarized in the Czech Republic, OR
    (C) rental/lease contract, sub-letting contract, accommodation agreement or an agreement with similar contents, with signatures notarized in Czechia.
    - If not written in Czech, the documents must be provided with a certified translation into the Czech language.
    - The document must be submitted as a wet-signed original, OR as a notarized copy made from the original (the notarization must be carried out in Czechia). E-mailed, scanned or faxed versions are not acceptable.
  11. One plain photocopy of all pages of the proof of accommodation.
  12. Documents confirming sufficient financial resources.
    It is necessary to prove the availability of financial funds exceeding the minimum required amount, which calculated as follows:
    fifteen (15) times the amount of the existential minimum (currently CZK 3,130 per month) for the first month of the stay, AND double (2) the amount of the existential minimum for every following month of the stay.
    For instance, the required miminum for a stay from September 1 till August 31 (12 months) is (1 x 15 x 3,130) + (11 x 2 x 3,130) = CZK 115,810, i.e. approx. USD 5,300. The equivalent amount in US dollars (USD) depends on the current CZK/USD exchange rate.
    If the Acceptance Letter records a period of admission longer than one year, you need to document the availability of funds for at least 12 months.

    Funds to cover the stay in Czechia shall be proven by ONE of the following means:
    (A) "debit/credit card" AND applicant's "bank account statement", OR
    (B) "debit/credit card" AND "bank reference letter", OR
    (C) "debit/credit card" AND "letter from a family member confirming the financial support" AND family member's "bank account statement", OR
    (D) "debit/credit card" AND "financial guarantee".
    (!) See below for specifications of the documents to be submitted.

    "debit/credit card":
    - A currently valid, internationally recognised debit OR credit card.
    - The name of of the cardholder must match name of the applicant. Anonymous or nameless cards are not acceptable.
    - The debit/credit card must be issued by the same bank for which the "bank account statement" (or the "bank reference letter") is submitted.
    - Submit one notarized copy of the card AND one plain photocopy of the notarized copy. Notarization to be made by a US Notary Public.
    - For the copies: Make sure that applicant's name, the name of the issuing bank and the card validity date are clearly visible; part of the card number and the enitre card security code (CVV number) may be hidden for security.

    "bank account statement":
    - Only checking AND/OR savings bank accounts are acceptable; credit accounts are not acceptable.
    - The bank account must be kept in the applicant's name (or in the name of the sponsoring family member); joint account ownership is permitted.
    - Obtain one regular bank account statement (most recent, or up to 5 months old), provided the ending balance meets the required amount of financial resources. If the ending balance is lower, wait for and submit the next regular bank statement, OR provide a "bank reference letter" instead.
    - Only original statements sent from the bank to clients by regular mail on paper OR statements issued by the bank as locked PDF files are acceptable; printshots of account details from online banking (made by the applicant or the bank clerk) are not acceptable.
    - Submit the statement printed on paper (scanned or faxed versions are not acceptable), AND one plain photocopy thereof.

    "letter from a family member confirming the financial support":
    - A template may be used (no translation is required as the form is bilingual) AND the signature of the sponsor must be notarized (an individual acknowledgement).
    - Other free forms for confirmation of a family member's financial support must be provided with a notarized signature AND, if not written in Czech, with a certified translation into the Czech language.
    - Family member's bank account statement must be presented (see "bank account statement" for specifications).
    - Submit the original document with notarized signature (e-mailed, scanned or faxed versions are not acceptable), the certified translation (if applicable), AND one plain photocopy of these documents, PLUS two plain photocopies of a valid ID that confirms full name and date of birth of the sponsor (e.g. data page of passport or front side of a US driving license).

    "bank reference letter":
    - The letter from the bank must refer to
    (A) bank account(s) kept in applicant's name (joint account ownership is permitted; only references to checking and savings bank accounts are acceptable; credit accounts are not acceptable), OR
    (B) funds (loan, security) that the applicant has secured from the bank to cover the costs associated with his/her stay.
    - The document must clearly indicate the total balance that the applicant is free to use during the stay in Czechia.
    - The document must clearly indicate the issuing bank, and the signature, name, position and contact details of the issuing bank clerk.
    - If not written in Czech, the document must be provided with a certified translation into the Czech language.
    - Submit the original document (e-mailed, scanned or faxed versions are not acceptable), AND the certified translation (if applicable), AND one plain photocopy thereof.

    "financial guarantee":
    - A confirmation issued by a state authority, or by a US or Czech school that all of the costs of student’s stay in Czechia will be fully covered.
    - If not written in Czech, the document must be provided with a certified translation into the Czech language.
    - Submit the original document (e-mailed, scanned or faxed versions are not acceptable) with notarized signature, AND the certified translation (if applicable), AND one plain photocopy thereof.
  13. Affidavit/Criminal history record.
    - If they have never been indicted or sentenced for a felony of any kind in USA, US citizens older than 15 years are required to submit an affidavit (affidavit (DOC, 32 KB)) in lieu of their criminal history record.
    - If the application is submitted by mail, the signature on the affidavit must be notarized by a US Notary Public; if the application is submitted in person, affidavit can be signed in front of the consular officer.
    - The affidavit must be submitted as a wet-signed original (copies, e-mailed, scanned or faxed versions are not acceptable).
    - If they were indicted or sentenced for a felony of any kind in USA, US citizens older than 15 years must submit (A) the US Criminal History Record issued by FBI, together with (B) an apostille issued for the Record by the US Department of State, and with certified translations of (A) and (B) into the Czech language. State Criminal Record Check is not acceptable.
    - If the applicant lived in any other country besides USA for 6 months or longer in the previous three years, an Excerpt from Criminal History Record issued by that country must also be submitted with the required legalization/apostille and a certified translation into the Czech language.
    - Non-US citizens must submit (A) an excerpt from criminal history record issued by their country of origin with (B) the required legalization/apostille of their country of origin and (C) certified translations of (A) and (B) into the Czech language AND also (D) the US Criminal History Record issued by FBI with (E) an apostille issued for the Record by the US Department of State and with (F) certified translations of (D) and (E) into the Czech language. State Criminal Record Check is not acceptable.
  14. One plain photocopy of the affidavit/criminal history records.
  15. Travel medical insurance.
    Submit the Czech verbiage of the insurance policy/policies. Insurance must cover the entire period recorded on the documents submitted under bullet 8 and 10 above. If the dates of insurance validity are shorter than this period (even by a single day), your visa cannot be issued, irrespective of whether you wish to leave Czechia early.
    - A comprehensive medical insurance must be purchased from any insurance company authorized to operate this insurance in Czechia. If this fact is not evident from the insurance contract, the applicant is obliged to prove to the Consulate when submiting this document that the insurance company is authorized to operate this insurance in Czechia. Insurance benefit limit for one insurance event must be at least EUR 400,000 without any participation of the person insured, i.e. zero deductibles/copay. 

    - Alternatively, insurance for the period from Day 1 up to Day 90 of the stay in Czechia can be had from any insurance company authorized to operate this insurance in Czechia other member States of the European Union or the European Economic Area or in the USA, provided the following conditions are met:
    -- Insurance benefit limit for one insurance event must be at least EUR 400,000 without any participation of the person insured, i.e. zero deductibles/copay.
    -- Insurance must cover all the costs associated with necessary and urgent health care, including costs associated with transportation, including transportation of mortal remains in the event of death to the state whose travel document the visa applicant owns, or to another state in which the visa applicant has a residence permit.
    -- Insurance certificate including all the necessary (above mentioned) information must be issued , and insurance must not exclude providing insurance payment in the case of accident caused by a wilful act, negligence or contributory negligence of the insured, even as a result of drinking alcohol, taking narcotics or psychotropic drugs by the insured. Insurance must be provided by an insurance company (NOT by the employer, school etc.), with the full name of the insured person and policy validity clearly visible.

    - For documentation issued by Czech Insurance companies, submit only the Czech verbiage of "Insurance" ("Pojistka"), and/or "Insurance Policy" ("Pojistná smlouva"). DO NOT include any documents marked "DRAFT" ("Nabídka") or other documentation not written in Czech.
    - If the insurance certificate is not written in Czech, submit also a certified translation into the Czech language of the entire insurance policy and of general terms and conditions.
    - Upon request, proof of payment of the insurance premium must be  Applicants for long-term residence under the age of 18 must be insured only for the first 40 days of their stay. This does not apply to minor long-term visa applicants, who are subject to the same conditions as adult applicants.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   - NOTE: Travel medical insurance is the only document on this list that may be submitted separately (i.e. after the Consulate receives instruction from the Czech Ministry of Interior to issue the visa), and not at the time of submitting the application file.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  16. Visa application fee.
    - Please study and comply with the information on the current visa fee (item 162a - "long-term residence permit application") in the inserted PDF file.
    - For the period  from January 1, 2025 until June 10, 2025, citizens of the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, the Republic of Korea and Taiwan are exempted from the obligation to apply for a long-term visa or long-term residence permit in person. They are allowed to send us their application form and all required documents by mail under the conditions set out below for each type of application. We will return an application that shows submission defects or, in the case of minor defects, we will ask the applicant to remove the defects before we accept the application. If the application is submitted without defects, we will send the applicant a link to the payment gateway to the email address provided in the application, where he/she/they can pay the visa fee (CZK 2500) by credit card. (If the link on the payment gateway is displayed in Czech, you can switch to English by clicking on the button with the British flag in the lower left corner.) We will verify that the visa fee has been paid. Then we enter the application into the visa system. At that point, the application will be deemed accepted. This exemption applies to applications delivered by mail by June 10, 2025.                                              -Citizens of countries not listed above or those applicants who wish to submit their application either after June 10, 2025 or in person pay the visa fee by card when submitting the application in person. We accept Visa and MasterCard.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
  17. Trackable pre-paid pre-addressed envelope.
    - To be provided only if the applicant wishes the passport to be mailed back instead of collecting it personally at the Consulate.
    - The Consulate is not responsible for any loss of the contents during the shipping.
    - Submit one pre-paid USPS Flat Rate envelope ("Priority Express Mail" or "Priority Mail", postage must be pre-paid in regular stamps affixed to the envelope; barcode/QR stamps or Click-N-Ship labels are not accepted) OR one pre-paid UPS envelope.
    (!) We are currently unable to honor envelopes from FedEx or other forwarding agents.
    - Fill in your own name, surname and full postal address on the envelope or on the address label in both the "From:" and the "To:" fields; the address must be within the territory of the USA. Affix the address label the envelope.
    - Make a record of the tracking number before you submit the envelope; you need this reference when contacting the forwarding agent of your choice in case of delays and irregularities during the shipping.
  18. One plain photocopy of the front side of the envelope, if provided under no. 16, with the "From:" and "To:" fields on the shipping label completed and with the proof of pre-paid postage and tracking number clearly visible.




form Sponsor 124 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Sep 20, 2018