Reception on the occassion of the International Roma Day
20.04.2023 / 19:00 | Aktualizováno: 20.04.2023 / 19:07
On the afternoon of April 18, 2023, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London hosted a reception on the occasion of the celebration of International Roma Day, during which the Roma annually commemorate their common origin, language and culture, common unification and cooperation, and above all he concept of "romipen" ("Romaness").
The opening speeches also recalled the first ever World Roma Congress, which took place in Orpington near London in 1971, where the foundations of international Roma cooperation were laid and the Roma movement gained an international and political-social dimension. At that time, the delegates agreed on the shape of the Roma flag and the shape of the Roma international anthem “Gelem Gelem”. An interesting fact is that the Czech and Slovak Roma have their own anthem "Čhajori Romani", which originated in the Auschwitz concentration camp, and they adopted the international anthem only in the nineties.
The director of the COMPAS Charity and Czech Honorary Consul in Peterborough, Petr Torák, who together with his team helped with the preparations of the entire event, then stated in his speech how the local Roma community values the invitation to the Czech Embassy and thanked Ambassador Marie Chatardová for the Embassy’s support.
The reception at the Embassy was decorated in a traditional Roma spirit, with the typical Roma band Robertto & Band playing with dulcimer, bass and violin for listening and dancing. Pictures by young Roma artists and medallions of successful Roma who have already applied themselves to their new homeland and are thus a role model and an example for their community, were displayed on the walls.
The Embassy cinema also offered the participants theopportunity to watch a new documentary film by director Mira Edevički "Leaving to Remain", telling the individual stories of three main protagonists - Roma of Czech and Slovak origin living in Great Britain in the difficult times after Brexit. On display on the walls were also medallions of successful Roma who have already applied themselves to their new homeland and are thus a role model and an example for their community.