Ambassador Chatardová received the "Woman of the Decade" award from the Women Economic Forum
01.11.2023 / 13:35 | Aktualizováno: 01.11.2023 / 13:43
On Monday 30th August, Ambassador Marie Chatardová received the ‚Women of the Decade‘ award at the Women Economic Forum in London.
The award is given to women who are pioneers and leaders in their respective entrepreneurial and professional endeavours, with a distinctive voice and vision that inspires and innovates a new narrative of leadership in all walks of life. It is for those whose expertise and spirit can inspire and inform the next wave of more awakened and empowered leadership.
Women Economic Forum is a global conference platform brought by the ‚ALL Ladies League‘ to foster empowering conversations, connections and collaborations among women committed to contribute in all walks of life through enterprise, innovation, leadership, vision and voice.
Ambassador Marie Chatardová took up the position of Head of Mission at the Embassy of the Czech Republic at the Court of St James's on 12 October 2021. She previously served as Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the United Nations in New York (2016-2021) and as Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the Republic of France and the Principality of Monaco (2010-2016) and to the Kingdom of Sweden (2002-2007). During her tenure in New York, she served as the seventy-third President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) - the UN's third highest organ and the institution at the heart of the UN's work to promote sustainable development. She was only the third woman to chair ECOSOC in its 72-year history.