Černínský palác - jaro 2020

IVF stands by Ukraine


IVF Council of Ambassadors approved an extraordinary programme of the IVF worth up to 1 mil. EUR dedicated the NGO/local administration projects assisting UA refugees in the V4 countries. Details of the call on the IVF webpage.

The Council of Ambassadors of the Intenational Visegrad Fund under the Presidency of the Czech Republic approved on Thursday 17 March 2022 a new, extraordinary programme of the IVF dedicated to the assistance of the Ukrainian refugees in the overall amount of 1 mil. EUR. The programme´s goal is to support activities aimed at mitigating the effects of war on the refugees arriving from Ukraine/residing in V4 countries, particularly children and youth, at strengthening the capacities of local authorities, public institutions and civil society organizations who provide necessary assistance, and at mitigating potential tensions between the refugees and the local population resulting from a lack of information, language barriers, and social and economic differences. All kinds of non governamental organizations from V4 countries/Ukraine will be eligible.  The call and details have been published on the website of the Fund.
