Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Iberoamerický týden
Photo: MZV
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Ibero-American Week


On May 10, 2022, the international Ibero-American conference took place in the Czernin Palace of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

An international Ibero-American conference was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic with the participation of foreign guests from Ibero-American countries, which was opened by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský. The conference formally launched Iberoamerican Week, which the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic organizes together with the Embassies of Ibero-American countries, Institutes Cervantes and Camões, as well as universities throughout the Czech Republic

The conference entitled "The Czech Republic and Ibero-America - Promoting Development, Prosperity and Democracy" was attended by prominent foreign guests such as Andorra Foreign Minister Maria Ubach Font, EU Special Representative for Human Rights and Peace Process Envoy for Colombia Eamon Gilmore, Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Peru J. Enrique Chavez and Guatemala Ava A. Arévalo de Moscoso, Brazilian Senator Soraya V. Thronicke, Managing Director for Americas of the European External Action Service B. Glynn, Executive Director of the EU-LAC Foundation A. Bonilla and  other guests from Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, El Salvador, Uruguay, Spain and Portugal.

The conference focused on current issues of cooperation between the two regions, joint efforts to overcome global challenges including Russian aggression against Ukraine, issues of the Czech Presidency of the EU Council in relation to the Ibero-American region, new opportunities for economic diplomacy and mutual trade cooperation and support for cultural and scientific cooperation.

On the margins of the Conference separate meetings were held with a number of foreign guests to discuss bilateral issues, but also current foreign policy issues.


Ibero-American Week
