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Deputy Minister Tlapa and Canadian Ambassador sign a Joint Declaration on Czech-Canadian cooperation
Photo: MZV ČR
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Deputy Minister Tlapa and Canadian Ambassador sign a Joint Declaration on Czech-Canadian cooperation


Prague, April 4 – Today at the Czernin Palace in Prague, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Martin Tlapa and Canadian Ambassador to the Czech Republic Barbara C. Richardson have signed a Joint Declaration on bilateral cooperation by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and Global Affairs Canada. The Joint Declaration is an expression of the wish of both countries to foster and further enhance existing deep and historical bilateral ties.

As part of this effort, a Czech Republic-Canada bilateral cooperation roadmap has been developed. The Roadmap is a working document aiming at facilitating cooperation between various Czech and Canadian government ministries and agencies.

The Roadmap is a flexible tool that covers a wide range of areas of cooperation, reflecting the strong bilateral relationship. It currently includes cooperation and joint initiatives in the following areas: consular; defence and security; e-government; health; bilateral cooperation between  Ministries of Foreign Affairs, development cooperation; migration; public diplomacy; science, technology and innovation; trade and investment promotion; and youth work, study and travel programs.

“The Czech Republic and Canada have deep ties not only through thousands of Czech compatriots living there but we are also bound by common values and support to free and liberal international trade. I have a special admiration towards Canada and I am happy that our bilateral relations will get a special impulse with a Canada-Czech Republic cooperation roadmap. We are interested in deepening of the whole range of relations. In the trade area, our goal is especially to strengthen the Czech business presence in Canada and to foster research and scientific cooperation,” said Deputy Minister Tlapa.

 “Today, thousands of Czechs and Canadians travel, work and study in the other country, our researchers work jointly on innovative projects, our companies benefit from the new EU-Canada CETA agreement, and our soldiers are standing side by side in NATO, for example in the NATO enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group in Latvia. The Joint Declaration and the accompanying Roadmap will bring our existing strong relationship to the next level, as we will be using a more comprehensive and structured approach to our cooperation.” said Canadian Ambassador Richardson.

The Czech Republic and Canada have a longstanding and close relationship based on shared values of democracy and rule of law and on personal ties. As we mark the 30th anniversary of the “Velvet Revolution” and 20th anniversary of the Czech Republic joining NATO this year, official, personal and family ties between the two countries have been renewed and strengthened.


Deputy Minister Tlapa and Canadian Ambassador sign a Joint Declaration on Czech-Canadian cooperation
