Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavský at the The Second parliamentary summit of the Crimea platform
Photo: © MZV ČR / MFA CZ
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Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavský at the The Second parliamentary summit of the Crimea platform


Prague, October 24, 2023

Madam Speaker, Mr President,

Dear representatives of the Crimean Tatar people, the people of Crimea,

Ladies and gentlemen,


For more than 600 days we have been asking ourselves how to stop the war of Russia against Ukraine. The war against the international order that has already cost too many lives and too much suffering.

However, we shall not forget that Vladimir Putin unleashed this criminal rampage much earlier than in February 2022. He started it in February 2014 by seizing Crimea. We must make clear that we will never accept the occupation of Crimea and other parts of Ukraine.

Any speculation that Crimea could be traded off with Russia for peace is unsound and dangerous. Vladimir Putin has no interest in parts of Ukraine nor has he any interest in peace. Putin wants to destroy Ukraine as a democratic and sovereign state. He wants it to be once again an obedient satellite of Russia. If he succeeds, he will not stop there. He will attack other countries with even greater appetite in order to weaken Europe and dismantle its security architecture. 

It is the duty and vital interest of the entire democratic world to prevent him from doing so. Parliaments and their representatives have an indispensable role in this endeavour. Your presence here attests to that. We were once also a Russian satellite occupied by Russian tanks. We know that Moscow's domination means nothing but suffering and destruction. 

Exactly four months ago, I said that my holiday in Crimea was approaching. Some thought it was a mere provocation. Others considered my plan to be a curiosity or even a nonsense. For me, however, Crimea is the key to ending Russia's imperialist ambition in Europe. Once Moscow is forced to end its occupation of Crimea, it will not be in position to block the export of Ukrainian grain to the countries of the global south through the Black Sea. Without a Russian-controlled Crimea, there will be no so-called Russkii mir, which is just a new label for a centuries-old Russian imperialism.

Therefore, I look forward to visiting Crimea not only for the beautiful mountains and the Bakhchisarai Palace of the Crimean khans. I want to visit Crimea as part of democratic Ukraine, where the Crimean Tatars as well as everyone else enjoy full rights and will be able to freely elect their representatives. This will be a sign that the war is over and that Russia is not threatening Ukraine and the whole of Europe.

For a long time, Czech diplomacy has been raising cases of Crimean political prisoners in all relevant international forums. I hope that they will be released soon. Civil society in Crimea must play an important role in the transformation after the de-occupation of the peninsula. Czechia will continue supporting civil society in Crimea in this endeavour.

Summing up, I believe that we should clarify our pledge of support for Ukraine. Yes, we will support Ukraine for as long as necessary. Moreover, the policy of the European Union and all democratic countries should be to restore Ukraine's territorial integrity within its 1991 borders, including Crimea.

Only in this way will they understand in Moscow that we are committed to our values and to international law, and they will take, hopefully, a path other than that of war.

Thank you for your attention and see you in Crimea!


Statement by Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Jan Lipavský at the The Second parliamentary summit of the Crimea platform
