Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

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Diplomatic Training


The Diplomatic Academy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) is responsible for developing, organizing and delivering training to diplomats. The training programmes focus on the practical skills diplomats need to perform their duties and to help them develop professionally. All training is tailored to the needs of the Czech Foreign Service and to the rules of educating staff in the state administration. Activities of the Academy include: coordination, planning, development, organization and evaluation of training programmes, liaising with lecturers and facilitating study trips.

The Academy currently runs a general programme for junior diplomats. It also offers an advanced training programme and other specialized courses related to the requirements of the diplomatic service. Examples include language training, soft skills development, IT courses and bespoke training.

Moreover, the Academy maintains and extends its relationships with a number of partner institutions abroad, some of which include the Vienna Diplomatic Academy or the Diplomatic Academies of Peru and Chile.



General Diplomatic Training (DA1)

This programme presents basic diplomatic theory and training, while being the entry point to a diplomatic career at the MFA. more ►

Individual Diplomatic Training

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers diplomats joining through a specific selection procedure, a bespoke programme of diplomatic training. more ►

Advanced Diplomatic Programme

The programme of advanced diplomatic training is designed for experienced diplomats holding senior positions or preparing themselves for such positions. more ►
