Vysvětlení hlasovací pozice na obnoveném 10. naléhavém zvláštním zasedání Valného shromáždění OSN
11.12.2024 / 16:16 | Aktualizováno: 16.12.2024 / 13:48
Dne 11. 12. 2024 byly v rámci obnoveného 10. naléhavého zvláštního zasedání Valného shromáždění OSN projednány dvě rezoluce reagující na situaci na Blízkém východě. Šlo o rezoluce Požadavek příměří v Gaze, u níž Česká republika hlasovala proti, a Podpora mandátu UNRWA, kde Česká republika abstenovala. Česká republika současně vystoupila s vysvětlením hlasovací pozice, které uvádíme v příloze.
10th Emergency Special Session of the UN General Assembly
11 December 2024
Explanation of vote
Mr. President,
As we gather here today, the Middle East is engulfed in profound turmoil. My country, Czechia, is deeply troubled by the ongoing suffering endured by civilians in the region. We are deeply concerned about the critical situation of the civilian population in Gaza who deserve to live in peace and dignity.
We welcome any meaningful efforts to end the violence. Let me acknowledge that both resolutions adopted today contain a number of constructive elements that represent positive progress. We commend the efforts to find common ground and address the urgent challenges in the region.
However, we must not overlook the horrific terrorist attacks of 7 October that plunged the region into this current cycle of conflict. Hamas terrorists unleashed a deadly rampage, brutally killing and maiming innocent civilians and taking hostages in a shocking display of barbarity. There can be no excuse or justification for such egregious acts which have had fatal consequences for all people in the region.
Once again, my government regrets that this esteemed Assembly did not take a more forceful stance in condemning the actions of Hamas.
Moreover, the resolution fails to unequivocally link a durable ceasefire to the release of all the hostages. To omit this crucial linkage risks sending a dangerously misguided signal to Hamas that their reckless reign of terror may somehow be vindicated.
We must not abandon the hostages and their families.
It is due to this omission that Czechia cannot, support resolution A/ES-10/L.33 and that is why we voted against it.
Let us be clear - Hamas too has a choice to make. They could immediately release the hostages. They could cease using civilians as human shields and stop exploiting civilian infrastructure to launch terrorist attacks. It is Hamas terrorists who have imperiled millions of Palestinian civilians.
Mr. President,
The humanitarian crisis in Gaza has reached a critical juncture. The population is in dire need of food, water, medical supplies, and other essential items . While we fully support urgent calls to step up the delivery of vital humanitarian aid, we must also acknowledge and rectify certain operational shortcomings within UNRWA. We must make every effort to ensure, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that Hamas and other terrorist groups cannot exploit the existing system for distributing critical assistance. Equally important is guaranteeing strict neutrality, accountability, and oversight in all aspects of UNRWA's operations. In this respect, we continue to closely monitor and evaluate the implementation of the recommendations of the Independent Review Group.
Resolution A/ES-10/L.32, in our assessment, does not sufficiently address these pressing concerns. Therefore, we have decided to abstain from voting on this resolution.
Distinguished colleagues,
I would like to conclude by emphasizing that re-establishing a political horizon for a two-state solution remains of paramount importance. A negotiated settlement remains the singular path to guaranteeing security, political stability, and democratic development for both Israel and Palestine. We encourage regional actors to pursue a course of cooperation, including through the Abraham Accords, to build a brighter future for the Middle East. Rather than introducing new initiatives here in New York, we need to witness positive developments on the ground in the region itself.
Thank you,