Trade Fairs
There are many opportunities in the Czech Republic if you wish to exhibit your products in a trade fair or sales exhibition, or just to walk around and enjoy fashion, technical innovations, agricultural produce, or any other fruits of human effort and ingenuity. Trade fairs and exhibitions have a long tradition in this country. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, modern and functional exhibition grounds were erected with excellent architectural design.
At present, there are many and various trade fairs and industrial and sales exhibitions organized in the Czech Republic, most of them with exhibitors from abroad. Some of them are the most prestigious events in the given industries in Central and Eastern Europe. Over 60% of the trade fairs are organized at the Brno Exhibition Grounds. Another exhibition facility with a long tradition and brick-and-mortar exhibition facilities is the Exhibition Grounds in Prague - Holešovice.
Did you know?
Did you know that the first trade fair in the world was held in August 1754 in Veltrusy under the name of Great Veltrusy Market of Products of Czech Kingdom? This trade fair was attended by a number of merchants from foreign countries and even the empress Marie Therese.
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