Alena Mornštajnová was a special guest at the European Literature Days 2024 in Hanoi
30.05.2024 / 12:10 | Aktualizováno: 30.05.2024 / 13:45
Alena Mornštajnová, the most successful Czech writer, visited Vietnam as a special guest at the European Literature Days 2024, organized by EUNIC (EU National Institutes for Culture) in cooperation with Czech Centres and other institutions. This year's event encourages literary conversations on gender issues, focusing on showcasing feminist and queer works by emerging and existing authors. The prominent writer Alena Mornštajnová presented her successful novel "Hana".
In addition to participating in the main events, the Czech Centre organized a meeting with future writers at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Hanoi. This meeting took place on May 9, 2024, where Ms. Mornštajnová spoke about her creative process and shared her experiences with writing. Dozens of enthusiastic students and aspiring authors attending the meeting had the opportunity to discuss and ask questions to the renowned writer.
On May 10, 2024, as part of the European Literature Days, a public discussion occurred at the Goethe Institute in Hanoi, where Alena Mornštajnová presented her successful novel "Hana". This novel was translated into Vietnamese and published in December 2023, allowing the broader public in Vietnam to become familiar with this important literary work. Another essential point of the visit was a meeting with Vietnam Women's Publishing House on Monday, May 13, 2024. At this meeting, the successful cooperation on publishing the novel "Hana" in Vietnamese and the possibility of further collaboration on future projects were discussed.