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Delegation from the Committee for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament visited Ireland

From 13 to 16 December 2016, a four members of the Committee for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport of the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament paid a working visit to Ireland. The delegation, led by chairperson of the committee, Professor Jiří Zlatuška, held meetings and discussions which focused on the education system, support of science and innovations, and exchanges of experiences in these areas.

During the visit, the deputies had discussions with Chairperson of the Joint Committee on Education and Skills Fiona O’Loughlin TD, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Education and Skills Mary Doyle, Assistant Secretary General of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Dermot Mulligan, Director of the Arts and Humanities Research Institute in Trinity College Dublin Professor Jane Ohlemeyer and Director General of the Science Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government of Ireland Professor Mark Ferguson.

Furthermore, they met with the Deputy Director of the Irish Research Council, the Director of  Strategy and Communications in the Science Foundation Ireland and the Head of Communications Office of Higher Education.

The delegation also had the opportunity of visiting the prestigious Trinity College Dublin as well as the largest university in Ireland, University College Dublin, where they met with the Vice-President for research, innovation and realisation.


Poslanci u busty V. Havla 2016

From the Irish parliament - group photo of the members of the delegation with chairperson of the corresponding Irish committee Fiona McLoughlin (lady in red) and the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Ireland (first from the left) at the bust of Václav Havel.